Tuesday, 19 March 2013

ITEMS - By @Meow! (Growtopia Review #1)

Hello everyone, welcome to my blog! This will be my first review, so go easy on me, I'm only learning! :D

Anyway, onto the review:

Most of you already know ITEMS as a nice helpful world, well you're exactly right! This world is jammed pack with every blocks and item you can think of! (Excluding clothes, but special event clothes are included) There is some magnificent pixel art and the world is just really helpful in general.

I find ITEMS really neat and organized, if you're looking for something, you're sure to find it without any troubles. The list of items range from a Dirt Block, all the way to the rare Crystal Block!
You'll find that @Meow has even added some secret rooms (which I love!), and a little race course.

The owner, @Meow, is ever so helpful and will always be glad to assist you. So if you haven't already, go check out ITEMS! It is by far one of the bests worlds in the game.

I would rate this world 10/10!

~CrimsonEagle (#TeamCrimmeh2013)

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